What is the Oil, Filter, and Capacity of a 2004 Toyota Camry?

Published on January 31st, 2023 by Searchforparts.com

In this article, we will cover filters, oil, and capacity for your 2004 Camry.  This Camry comes with three possible engine sizes, 2.4L, 3.0L, and 3.3L. Each engine may need a different filter but all use the same oil type. We will give you all the information needed to properly maintain your Camry. Great vehicle, we have owned several and it never left us stranded or broken down on the road in our experience. A very solid engine and quality parts make this vehicle last longer than other makes. Make it last longer with some of the mentioned products below and thank you for visiting our site!

How much oil does a 2004 Camry take?


The 2.4L will take 4 quarts and the 3.0L or 3.3L takes 5 quarts of oil with the filter installed. It is a good idea to grab an extra quart to have it handy in case your engine consumes oil over several weeks or months.

What type of oil does an ’04 Camry need?


Toyota recommends 5W-30 for any of the three engines. In other words, it doesn’t matter which engine you have, 5W30 is recommended. See below for a pure synthetic and not a blend to keep your engine lasting for many more years.

Where can I find the owner’s manual?


Use the following link to find more information regarding your vehicle.

2004 Camry Manual

Which filter fits my engine? 


Below we have the correct filters that will fit! Sometimes locally it is hard to find a filter so you can easily order the proper filter with a few clicks below! The filter size depends on which engine you have. Later on, in this article, we will suggest a few filters that will properly fit your engine. A wrong filter can damage your engine, please make sure to always install a correct filter.

I don’t know which engine I have, is there any way to find out?


Look underneath the hood and find the spark plug cables. if you see 4 cables then you have a 4-cylinder or 2.4, and 6 cables mean you have a 6-cylinder 3.0L or 3.3L engine. The good news is that both 6-cylinder engines take the same oil and filter, so no need to figure out if it is a 3.0 or 3.3L.

Extend the life of your 2004 Camry with these excellent products below. Also, you will find the correct filter for your engine. The oil is 100% synthetic, not mixed with anything else, or a blend. It will protect your engine way better than other brands. Check out online reviews and forums, it is the top Made in USA oil! Upgrade now and keep your engine running strong!


High-quality Synthetic

5W-30 100% Synthetic for a 2004 Camry


Oil filter for the 4-cylinder Camry

For the 2.4L engine in a 2004 Camry


Oil filter for the 6-cylinder Camry

For the 3.0L or 3.3L engine in a 2004 Camry

What other products should I consider to keep my engine running well?


Below you will find an air filter for any engine size and the correct automatic transmission fluid that is 100% synthetic. It will help avoid costly repairs to maintain the transmission since replacing one is a huge bill!


Air filter for a 2004 Toyota Camry

Awesome air filter by Wix for the 2.4, 3.0 or 3.3L engine! Keep dirt and debris out which will extend the engine's life!

Synthetic Transmission Fluid!

For all engines in a 2004 Camry. Getting fresh transmission fluid keeps it running great and shifting smoothly!